Profile of Nova Scotia

Canada's 2011 Census of Population is a trove.  I'll add stuff as it seems interesting.

If you compare Nova Scotia's population profile with Canada's, looking for the larger differences, you get an interesting picture of where there are idiosyncracies.  Here is a chart of 11 dimensions where there is more than a 10 point difference in the proportions of Canadians and Nova Scotians.  For example, Canada is 35% British Isles ancestry, and Nova Scotia is 60%, a 25 point difference.  Characteristics are sorted in order of the size of the difference.
Thinking about each dimension, there are few surprises.  One anomaly seems to be the proportion of second generation Canadians.  Lower in Nova Scotia, it seems to indicate a preference for the children of immigrants to move away.

Nova Scotia has quite a different pattern of origins compared to the rest of Canada.

And here are the sources of immigrants, sorted in order of prevalence in Nova Scotia:

There is a higher percentage of Nova Scotians in every income category between $5,000 and $40,000 and a lower percentage in every category above.

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